
About Kyle

Located in the Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina, the Rev. Dr. Kyle Sigmon is a husband, father to 5 children, a pastor, worship leader, a multiple instrument award-winning singer/songwriter, recording artist, published author, host of the “Still Figuring It Out…” podcast, and front man for the rock band Seeking Gravity.

His work is a product of his creative and contemplative explorations, but exists to do more than entertain. With post-graduate degrees in Christian Practice (Master of Arts, Duke Divinity School) and New Theology (NThD, The New Theology School) Kyle invites people to experience the divine in new and surprising ways. His ultimate hope is to inspire and stir others to find their own art, that is their lives given back to the world.

You can find Kyle playing in some of your favorite places around the high country, fronting the rock band Seeking Gravity (www.seekinggravity.band), and leading worship or speaking for larger group events (email booking@kylesigmon.com).